Cancellation Policy For Guests
Full refund for cancellations up to 30 days before check-in. If booked fewer than 30 days before check-in, full refund for cancellations made within 48 hours of booking and at least 14 days before check-in. After that, 50% refund up to 7 days before check-in. No refund after that. In the event of a no-show, guests will incur a penalty equal to the cost of one night’s stay, which is the same as the cancellation fee. For all bookings for the Fleadh Cheoil 2025 a cancellation policy of 50% will apply from the date of booking through to 14 days before the start of the event. There will be no refunds available 14 days before check-in.

Cancellation Policy For Hosts
Celtic Retreat property owners have the option to offer three types of cancellation policies:
Fully flexible: Guests may pay during their stay and cancel without a fee within the timeframe you specify.
Partially refundable: You determine the cancellation fee for guests who cancel after a certain date.
Non-refundable: Guests are not entitled to a refund if they cancel.

Should a guest wish to cancel a booking, hosts can notify the company via email at Celtic Retreats prohibits hosts from cancelling reservations without a legitimate reason. It is generally advised that hosts permit guests to cancel without charge until one or two days prior to check-in.

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